Sunday, August 26, 2012

Entire Classroom Pics!! (Warning: LOTS of 'em!!)

So sorry it has been awhile since I've been on to blog...we got back from our overseas trip a week and a half ago, and it was quite the adventure (to say the least!)

We were faced with a typhoon and a really odd and super rainy monsoon, so we basically camped out in our condo for a few days. Luckily, our condo was connected to a couple of malls so we had a few places to go to. Unfortunately, the cities around us had flood waters up to people's waists, and in some areas, past people. YIKES - so scary!!! It was a really interesting, but fun, fun, vacation.

Since I've been back, I've also been busy with meetings, the start of a new school year, and teaching a new grade. I told my new team that teaching a new grade feels like being a first-year teacher all over again: not knowing how and what to teach the following day or week. I don't like that feeling :( 

At least I have pacing and classroom management down (I think!). I think it would be so hard to learn the new core, teach new lessons, AND learn how to manage the class, find your voice, and your footing as a brand-spankin' new teacher.

So anyway, here are the pictures! Forgive the quality of the pictures, they were taken on my phone :)

View from the front door.


Views from the front of the room to the front door.

My reading nook.

My browsing bins.

More browsing bins.

My leveled classroom library.

Close-up of my back wall bulletin boards.

Bulletin boards on my back walls.

My easel (back view).

 Math Manipulatives and Math board (above manipulatives).

Cubby boxes, supplies, and Dr. Seuss stuffed animals. 

My front door (Behavior Chart and hand signals).

My windows and quote.

My closet and "Give Me Five" posters. The crates hold teacher-owned picture books I use to teach, student information, student files, assessments files.

Standards with "I Can" statements written.

Front of the room.

Front white board.

Did I mention I love the color green? LOL!

A lot of the things I used in my room came were inspired by other teachers. I will go back and fill those links and resources when I have the time. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Thanks for reading,
